How to Whup the Devil

How to Whup the Devil
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Saturday, November 1, 2008

CISBA's Advocacy, Goals and Objectives (for Parents and Youth)

CISBA provides systems and resources to educate, empower, and develop the family into a prosperous and cohesive unit.

CISBA develops and implement successful family programs and initiatives to be replicated nationally and internationally.

Goals and Objectives:
Treat families and customers with respect, honor and integrity

Meet families and customers where they are, with the express purpose to increase their capacity to progress and to meet their personal objectives

To train and provide resources to individuals, families, and organizations that will enable them to meet their personal goals and missions for success

Enhance and support educational entities through collaborative efforts with programs, services, initiatives, and strategies that will aid in completing their objectives

To aid in building programs, services, and systems within your organization to increase its capacity to successfully serve your target market

Workshop and Seminar Topics
o Parental Involvement
o Developing Parenting Skills
o Tips and Strategies on Engaging the Hard to Reach Parents
o Increasing Communication and Contact with Hard to Reach Parents
o Cultural Awareness and Diversity that Affects Traditional Parent Involvement
o What Parents Need to Know
o Increasing Fatherhood Association and Participation
o Relationship and Team Building
o Increasing Family Technology Skills
o Financial Literacy
o Youth Development
o Student Athletics and Academics
o Character Education
o Character Development
o Career Counseling and Coaching
o How to Know if Your Child is on Track for Graduation
o Behavioral and Mental Health for Gifted and Struggling Students
o The Importance of Mentoring for African American Males
o Putting Systems in Place to Grow Your Company

Dorothy Bracy Alston

Dorothy Bracy Alston
Communications and Writing Consultant